This week we want to answer some of your most frequently asked questions about auto insurance. The terms and jargon associated with car insurance policies can get confusing. NickersonPartners Insurance Agency is here to help drivers throughout San Diego, CA with all of their auto insurance needs.

Am I Required to Have Auto Insurance?

This is the top question we get, and, it is important to understand what the minimum insurance requirements are in Arizona. The state requires proof of financial responsibility to pay for accidents that can occur while driving. Minimum levels are $15,000 for bodily-injury per person and $10,000 for property damage liability.

How do I Save on Auto Insurance?

This is a great question, and one that we have covered in depth during past blog posts. Most people can save by getting the minimum liability-only insurance coverage. However, if your car is leased or financed, higher coverage may be required. You can also save by driving a cheaper, older car, which may cost less to insure.

What Happens if I Cannot Make my Auto Insurance Payment?

It is important to plan your budget around the required periodic costs for auto insurance. However, missing one payment usually only gets you a warning. If you miss more payments, then you may get your coverage cancelled. If you are struggling to pay, try adjusting coverage plans or the frequency at which you may payments.

What Affects My Insurance Rate?

Some insurers are even now looking at credit scores to determine risk. Other factors that affect your insurance rate are your gender, age, type of car, and driving record.

Are there discounts?

If you are a good driver, you may be able to earn discounts over time. In addition, some companies give discounts for being a student, or member of particular company or affinity group.

Do I need to Buy Rental Car Coverage?

This will depend on your plan, however, you may need to add on coverage to the rental car and it is better to be safe than sorry.

Can My Auto Insurance Claim Be Denied?

The insurance company will do an investigation of your accident to determine what to pay. If you were lying or exaggerating claims, this may be discovered and you will be denied. In addition, if you were found for reckless driving, you may not be paid. NickersonPartners Insurance Agency in San Diego, CA can give you several free auto insurance quotes and help you interpret your auto insurance coverage, so contact our offices today!